I decided to write this post as i'm in year 11 and am currently in the middle of revision for my final exams. In January I did my mock exams and I found it very stressful and hard to keep up with all the revision I needed to do! Whilst going through this I found some ways to relieve stress and get some time to my self.
1. Do something you enjoy
I don't think that sitting in all day revising from a book helps at all, especially if you've been at school all day. Having a hobby you enjoy which can take your mind off all the stress really helps to relax and have some fun. I love dancing and I think it really helps release all my stress and forget everything, I do dance 2-3 times a week out of school and this is my only hobby at the minute because I think anymore than this will be too much. If you can find 1 or 2 hobbies that you enjoy it will really help!
2. Organise your revision
I find that having all my revision organised so that I do an equal amount of studying for each subject helps reduce my stress because I know i'm doing enough for each subject. I organise my revision by making a revision time table this not only makes sure I know what I need to do but it also gives me more motivation because I have it stuck on my wall so that I don't miss a revision session or get confused. In my time table I have allocated time for revision, hobbies and time to myself.
3. Have time to yourself
You need to have time each day where you just relax on your own whether this is watching a film or going for walk! It's whatever you enjoy doing on your own. I have a few things I like to do on my own: watch a film or youtube, have a bath or write on here! I think these things are really nice to just stop worrying and have some time to your self, I usually do one of these things each day.
4. Plan your revision to suit you
This is quite similar to number 2 but this is more about how you go about planning the time table. You should plan to do revision when you work best for most people this is in the morning and straight after school but everyone is different. I have planned my revision so that on school days I do an hour when I get home from school and an hour after tea this works for me because I get it all over with then I have the whole evening to do what I want. At the weekends I plan it so I do revision in the morning then nothing all afternoon until about 4 then i'm finished for the evening, I do this so I can still go out at weekends because you should still have a social life!

Finally the most important thing I would say is to believe in yourself because if we all work hard we will succeed! So, grab your books and get studying, after all its only for 5 months of our whole lives! We can do it!
I hope you found this post useful and enjoyed reading about what I do to overcome exam stress!
If you have any other tips to help others I would love to read them in the comments.