I haven't wrote a blog post in a few weeks now because I have had my mock exams at school, but finally they're over and i'm going to start posting more regularly now!
I am writing this post because I have been nominated for the Infinity Dreams award which is amazing because I didn't even think anyone would read my blog, but the fact that someone has read and acknowledged it enough to nominate me is incredible! I was nominated by http://magentatulip.blogspot.co.uk/so thankyou soo much, your blog is lovely!
1. Thank and Follow the blog that nominated you
2.Tell us 11 facts about you
3.Answer the questions that were set up for you
4. Nominate 11 and make your questions for them
11 facts about me:
1. My favourite band is 5 Seconds Of Summer.
2. I have blonde hair and blue eyes.
3. My best friend is called Chloe! We have been friends for like 12 years and I can tell her anything! She has a blog and I would love it if you all went and checked it out!http://chloesposts.blogspot.co.uk/
4. I don't have any brothers or sisters.
5. The first youtuber I subscribed to was Zoella and she still remains to be one of my favourite and biggest inspirations!
6. The best holiday I've ever been on is when the whole of my close family went to Majorca for 10 days, it was when I was 11 and I just had an amazing time with all my family!
7. I joined a drama group at my local theatre in 2011 and have now done 7 performances with them! I love being part of this group as they are like a family to me also I have found it has helped with my confidence and I now love going on stage and performing!
8. I live with just my mum, I love it being just me and her as it means I have a really close relationship with her!
9. At school my favourite subjects are Child Development and Dance.
10.I am absolutely obsessed with the TV series Gossip Girl at the minute, I watch it non stop every night! In fact, I have it on in the background whilst i'm writing this!
11. My celebrity crush at the moment is either Ed Westwick or Luke Hemmings!
My questions:
1. What is your favourite film?
I wouldn't say I have a favourite film of all time but I can watch the Harry Potter films over and over again and never get bored! But if I had to choose my favourite film right now i'd say 'The Other Woman'!
2. Whats your biggest achievement?
I did the Race For Life in 2013 and ran 3 miles in 34 minutes which was a huge achievement for me and also I raised a good amount of money for the cancer research which meant a lot to me!
3. Other than blogging, what do you do in your free time?
I do Drama, Ballet and Street dance all in my free time which I really enjoy!
4. What music do you like, if any?
I mainly listen to 5 Seconds Of Summer and usually some of the chart music. For some reason I don't seem to like any other boy bands like Union J, The Wanted etc.
5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
I've always wanted to visit Australia but I don't think i'd want to live there. This is so hard because I like living in the UK so i'd probably want to still live here because as much as I would love to live abroad somewhere hot I think I love England too much!
6. What is your dream job?
My DREAM job since I was little has always been to become a professional ballet dancer but as I've grown older I have realised I am happy with it being a hobby. The job I want to do when i'm now is to be a child therapist or something along those lines!
7. Have you got any talents?
Hmmm, no. I guess dancing and acting is a talent as I have gone on stage numerous times with both of them, but I can't sing or anything like that!
8. Do you have a favourite quote?
I don't have a favourite quote of all time but at the moment 'Do More Of What Makes You Happy' is very important for me. This quote, as i'm sure most of you know, is by Alfie Deyes aka PointlessBlog! This year I am trying to live by this quote!
9.What do you enjoy most about blogging?
The thing I enjoy most about blogging is just being able to sit down and write down the thoughts that are in my head. I can pick something to do a post on then make it personal too me without worrying about being judged or sounding ridiculous! Also I love all the lovely comments I get because they make me soo happy!
10. Do you have any pets?
No I don't at the moment but I used to have a hamster called kylie (yes i was obsessed with Kylie Minogue when I was like 8) and we had her for just under 2 years. However my nan has always had a dog since I was born, first she had Brandy who was the softest dog I have ever met I loved her so much and basically thought she was my dog. Sadly she passed away a few years ago and I was so upset. Then a couple of years ago my nan got another dog called Harvey who is a Collie and he so energetic and loving, and again he is just like my dog as my nan's house is basically my second home!
11. Makeup, hair, fashion or accessories&shoes?
Probably Makeup, hair and fashion because I love getting different makeup and trying out different brands, I love looking through magazines and online at the latest fashion then when I go shopping picking out my favourite pieces and putting my own spin on things. I wouldn't say I do much with my hair I pretty much just wash it, brush it and leave it! Sometimes I plait it over night but my hairs so long I don't have time to do anything with in the mornings. I wish I did try out more styles though!
But I am obsessed with shoes! I have way too many pairs of shoes, I have bought 3 pairs of boots this winter which is just unnecessary!
My Nominations:
As i'm new to blogging I couldn't choose 11 so I have nominated 4 blogs which have all been so supportive of my blog and also have amazing blogs, hope you enjoy writing this post as much as I did!
1. http://chloesposts.blogspot.co.uk/
2. http://thislittleblogofours.blogspot.com.au/
3. Sugarblush.blogpsot.com
4. www.skinnedcartree.com
My Questions For You:
1. What inspired you to create your blog?
2. What is your favourite tv programme?
3. What book have you read over and over again?
4. Harry potter or Twilight, which do you prefer, if any?
5. What is your favourite food?
6. What is your best memory?
7. If you could stay one age forever which age would you pick and why?
8. What is your favourite clothes shop?
9. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained a quality or ability what would it be?
10. How did you meet your best friend?
11. What would be your perfect day?
I really enjoyed writing this blog post and I hope everyone I nominated does too!
Hope to see you in my next post,