It's funny how such small things in life can influence everyday things we do and the decisions we make. For example me deciding to make this blog!
Many things have inspired me to make this decision and I would love to talk to anyone who decides to read this (if any) about what really inspires me and in particular what inspired me to create this blog.
1. One of my biggest inspirations in my life at the moment is youtuber Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella).She originally just had her inspiring blog but now has an amazing youtube channel on top of this. I find that she always instantly calms me and makes me smile when I watch her videos or read her blog posts and I'm sure this is the same for a lot of us teenage girls?
So seeing how much Zoe has grown into such a strong woman through writing her blog posts has really inspired me to - clearly not become a massive youtube sensation- but to be able to right down my thoughts, experiences and advice and also learn from others reading or also writing blog posts.
2. Also I have recently read the book 'Girl Online' written by Zoe Sugg (see this is how much she inspires me) which is about a teenage girl called Penny who starts her own blog writing about her life problems and experiences. This really helps Penny to get her problems which are bottled up inside her to be released, she also loves hearing peoples responses to her problems and knowing that she's not the only one facing them. After reading the book it made me think that maybe getting my thoughts written down and out of my brain might just be the thing for me.
3. Another thing that really inspires me is my friendship group. I am part of a friendship group at school of about 9 girls, which as you can guess doesn't always go smoothly, but having so many different characters and opinions I find is really inspiring it really makes me look at things from different perspectives. I admit that I could sometimes feel very lonely even though I was in such a big group of girls, it would feel like they just wouldn't even notice me sometimes but then recently I came to realise that I have to put myself out there when there is so many of us or I will go unnoticed, so from that experience I learnt just to be myself and not get hidden beneath other peoples personalities.

I hope that someone even if it is just one person reads this and finds it interesting, I would also love to hear about other peoples inspirations too!
Hope to see you in my next post,
Georgia xx
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog and love it!!
I hope you keep up the posting because I can already tell you are going to do great with it!!
Hiya, thankyou so much!
DeleteHi! I've just found your blog, you seem really nice! This is a good idea for a first post, so well done :) I don't want to seem bossy, but I just thought I'd let you know about a site called Bloglovin. If you sign up with it, not only can you find great blogs to read, but you can put your blog there so others can find it. Then people can follow you on there and get updates about your posts. Also, you can add the google members function :) To answer your question, my inspirations are things I love, photos, ideas, the future, and people.
ReplyDeleteI'm a teen girl like you, I'm fairly new to blogging myself, you can find it at the address below:
Hiya, thankyou so much and thanks I will check them out!
DeleteIt's lovely to hear your inspirations too! I'll go check your blog right now :)
Thankyou :) x
ReplyDeleteIt seems we both started out blogs thanks to Girl Online :) Nice post!
yes It was so inspiring! thankyou x
DeleteI absolutely love your blog! :)
thankyou so much! I am planning to write a new blog post this weekend! xx